Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Democrats and Republicans: What is the difference?

Today I am focusing on the differences between Democrats and Republicans. This is a very basic topic but an important one to understand. I have known for a while that I do not really know and understand the differences between these two parties. The only differences I can think of right now, are from my Communication Law class. We defined a Liberal person to be someone who was more concerned about protecting individual rights and liberal justices. They were usually more willing to recognize new constitutional rights not explicitly stated in the Bill of Rights and to increase access to government information. Conservatives justices tend to favor states rights over central government regulations and to support individual property rights. They also tend to interpret constitutional rights more narrowly than liberals. Granted these are more geared toward communication but I believe they touch on the basics of liberals and conservatives.

Regardless, I began researching the World Wide Web for the answers. I finally came across this website that laid everything out neatly and to the point. I have to say I was relieved when I found this website because the only definitions coming up were on Wikipedia and even though most things on that website are legit, it still is not considered a reliable source.

Here is the website: http://www.balancedpolitics.org/ideology.htm

This website first touches on what is a liberal and conservative. A liberal was "someone who advocated change, new philosophies, and new ideas." A conservative person was "someone who avoided change, instead preferring to stick to the tried and true." A democrat follows a liberal view and republicans follow a conservative view.

The website then shares all the different topics that are debated between the two groups. I'll state the more common ones:
  1. Mexican Border Fence
  2. Abortion
  3. Immigration
  4. Same-Sex Marriage
  5. Health Care
Some I have never heard of include (Also including their definition and most definitions come from website):
  1. Affirmative Action : generally means giving preferential treatment to minorities in admission to universities or employment in government and business
  2. ANWR Drilling: Debate whether or not to drill for oil in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge
  3. Kyoto Treaty: A treaty that sets a target for countries to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
  4. Three Strikes Law: A person who is convicted of three felonies is given mandatory 25-to-life sentence
  5. Malpractice Lawsuits: When a patient sues a doctor for malpractice, he or she may recover monetary damages for lost wages, medical bills, and pain & suffering. There was a proposal putting a cap of $250,000 on the pain/suffering and punitive portions of theses damages.
Not everyone who considers themselves liberal/conservative agrees with all of these ideologies however. People have their own opinions on what's better than others. People who believe everything is right and needs to be done are extremists. People who agree with some and not others are thought to be more moderate.

Other differences between democrats and republicans can be seen throughout history with the different presidents elected. The major democratic president that set the ideals for democrats is Franklin D. Roosevelt. FDR set up the New Deal after the Great Depression. FDR's main goal for "New Deal" was to help everyone who was affected by the depression. This urge to help people, led to the creation of Social Security and Welfare at this time. FDR used the government to directly help the American people. Democrats have kept this focus to help the American people throughout history and want the government to continue programs that help middle and lower class people.
The major republican president that set the ideals for republicans was Ronald Reagan. Reagan's main focus was to get the American people to rely less on the government. He wanted the people to make their own decisions independent of the government. This independence became helpful for businesses, because Reagan was able to deregulate businesses, which allowed them to make their own decisions on how they felt their business should be run. Also during his presidency, Reagan cut taxes in hopes to better stimulate economic growth (which it did) and he helped prevent unions from going on strike. Reagan's presidency has shown the republican's ideals well by cutting taxes and deregulating businesses. Republicans have continued to urge less government involvement in business and American lives.

So to sum everything up, Liberals/Democrats have the best interest of the American people in mind. They believe the government should work hard to help everyone who is in need. Conservatives/Republicans believe the government should stay out of the decision process for businesses and that people should be in charge of helping themselves. One thing is certain however, the number one goal for both parties is that they want to make America a great country. They just have different ideas on what makes America great and want to make it a great country through different methods. It's good to have competing ideas and opinions. Our country wouldn't be great without difference in opinions. This constant competition allows us to keep everyone on their toes so that they can create a better form of both ideas. I think life would be boring if we lived off one ideal.

Please let me know what you think. I'd love to hear everyone's opinions!

I received some information from the following website(s):

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Georgia's ban on Pit Bulls

My next topic of discussion is concerning the state of Georgia. I came across this link on Facebook and it caught my attention.

"I just signed the Petition Against Pit Bull Ban in petition (signature #2796) at http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/georgiapitbull"

This link is a petition against the ban of Pit Bulls in Georgia, specifically in Douglas County. On Monday, Douglas County had a Council meeting about the ban where those opposing it outnumbered those who supported it. Here is a link to t
he article. http://bit.ly/btH2P4

The main argument for the supporters was that they want to feel safe in their o
wn neighborhoods. They also thought owners lack responsibility when owning this particular breed. Those opposing also agreed that the main problem for pit bulls are their owners not being held responsible. However, they felt that the bill should focus more on "targeting dangerous dogs instead of singling out pit bulls."

This petition caught my attention because I can honestly say my first love in life were animals. Especially dogs and not just certain breeds, EVERY breed! Even this one.. :) (which if you were wondering is a Chinese Crested. They are so ugly, that they're cute.)

First, I think I should talk a little bit about Pit Bulls. Pit Bull is not an AKC registered breed, but it's a generic name for American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier (which are both AKC registered) and American Pit Bull Terrier (which is not AKC registered). All of these are part of the terrier group. According to the American Kennel Club terriers have little tolerance for other animals. This is because their ancestors were br
ed to kill vermin and this part of their personality may still come through in some instances. In my opinion, these particular breeds need experienced owners that can properly train their dogs to act correctly to other humans and animals. It is possible for dogs to act politely. All you have to do is look at Cesar Millan, popularly known as the "Dog Whisperer" and an advocate for Pit Bulls. Cesar has had many pit bulls, with the most well known being Daddy, who recently passed away, and now his main pit, Junior. Cesar used Daddy and now Junior as ambassadors for pit bulls and they both also help rehabilitate dogs in need, usually either very shy, scared or aggressive dogs. Neither of Cesar's pits showed aggression and it just goes to show that owners can train their dog to remain calm and submissive.

(To learn more about Cesar and his "pack" visit Cesar's website http://www.cesarsway.com/ or watch his TV series Dog Whisperer.)
I am completely against banning Pit Bulls from the state of GA because I honestly believe an aggressive dog is solely due to its owners. The owners either purposefully make their dogs aggressive through abuse (i.e. fighting) or they are just completely incompetent in training their animals correctly so they will stay calm in particular situations. However, I will say I know this is a delicate topic and understand that their are
dogs out there that act aggressive completely on their own. If this is the case, then the dog does need to be put down. As stated earlier, Pit Bulls should not be the only dogs singled-out for aggression because every dog has the ability to be aggressive and attack humans or other dogs, even a Chihuahuas. If a bill should be passed against any dogs, it should be like the opposing suggested, targeting all aggressive dogs.

I truly believe pit bulls can be great dogs if treate
d and trained correctly and not stereotyped as being dangerous. I mean look at German Shepard's. People during and after WWII were terrified of German Shepard's because they were trained to be very aggressive at concentration camps. Now, they are the second best family dog according to AKC Registration Stats and are loved by all. If pit bulls were given the opportunity to prove they can be a safe and loving breed and, I guess you could say, given good PR, then maybe it would be possible to change societies view like with the German Shepard.

I was looking for a picture of a pit bull to put in the blog and came across this article. Just want to show you how even pit bulls can be loving, loyal pets. :)

Please leave comments. I know there are different opinions about this topic and want to get your input.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Lady Gaga and DADT Policy

Ok so here is my first blog about a very important issue we have in the United States, the acceptance of gay Americans. I decided I wanted this to be my first topic of discussion because one, this is an important issue I think should be a permanent change, and two I'm obsessed with Lady Gaga and love that she gets involved and puts 110% into everything she lives for. She is definitely a great role model for our generation no matter how eccentric she is.

This is the news article that caught my attention and yes I know its MTV but that is where I saw it first. (Picture via this article also)


On Sunday September 12th, 2010, Gaga showed up to the VMA's with four individuals who are fighting the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy the military has. She urged Senator Harry Reid that she and her "Little Monsters" want the Senate to vote for a repeal of the policy. He responded to Lady Gaga via Twitter saying, "There is a vote on #DADT next week. Anyone qualified to serve this country should be allowed to do so http://bit.ly/9ucdIj #nvsen."

This is a great sign for this cause. I've always thought issues like these would not change or be resolved until our generation grew up and ran for senator or a place in Congress. I say our generation and mean people who are the children of Baby Boomers. Older generations seem to be close-minded and have a negative views of lifestyles they are not familiar or comfortable with. On the other hand, our generation does not think twice when an openly gay person is around. (Of course there are the select few who do know follow this thought process, but I think in general it is this way.) We have a more liberal view towards gays and understand we are all alike and accept them for who they are. However, having Senator Harry Reid fight for this cause proves that there are open-minded people in the older generations.

Equality is an important issue and should be shared by everyone. If this bill gets passed by the Senate, it will be a huge step for equality. Gay Americans should be able to live their lives like everyone else. They are not any different and should not be treated like they are. In the words of Lady Gaga (via Twitter) "We were #BORNTHISWAY," and all generations should accept that and not question it.

If you want to support this fight and Senator Harry Reid, visit his website using this link below.

Unfortunately the bill was blocked and cannot move forward in the senate. This is very disappointing but this will change sooner or later... Hopefully sooner. We just need to keep on pushing for what's right.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Why a blog dedicated to politics?

Hello Everyone!

So I have been wanting to start a blog but could never figure out what to blog about or what to say. Well for my senior PR campaigns class, we have been given the task to start a blog on something we are interested in and blog about it. Well I chose to start a blog about politics.

Honestly I have never been interested in politics. I have always thought it causes to many complications and caused to many arguments with people. However I know it is very important to society and I know I need to have my own opinion on matters.

With this blog I want to learn and grow and see the growth in action. I'm not sure where to start, so I guess I will just look at the news (ugh lol) and see what catches my eye and blog about it.

My goals....

1.) Become more interested in this important matter
2.) Feel like I have an opinion of my own

Chit Chat soon!