This is the news article that caught my attention and yes I know its MTV but that is where I saw it first. (Picture via this article also)
On Sunday September 12th, 2010, Gaga showed up to the VMA's with four individuals who are fighting the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy the military has. She urged Senator Harry Reid that she and her "Little Monsters" want the Senate to vote for a repeal of the policy. He responded to Lady Gaga via Twitter saying, "There is a vote on #DADT next week. Anyone qualified to serve this country should be allowed to do so #nvsen."
This is a great sign for this cause. I've always thought issues like these would not change or be resolved until our generation grew up and ran for senator or a place in Congress. I say our generation and mean people who are the children of Baby Boomers. Older generations seem to be close-minded and have a negative views of lifestyles they are not familiar or comfortable with. On the other hand, our generation does not think twice when an openly gay person is around. (Of course there are the select few who do know follow this thought process, but I think in general it is this way.) We have a more liberal view towards gays and understand we are all alike and accept them for who they are. However, having Senator Harry Reid fight for this cause proves that there are open-minded people in the older generations.
Equality is an important issue and should be shared by everyone. If this bill gets passed by the Senate, it will be a huge step for equality. Gay Americans should be able to live their lives like everyone else. They are not any different and should not be treated like they are. In the words of Lady Gaga (via Twitter) "We were #BORNTHISWAY," and all generations should accept that and not question it.
If you want to support this fight and Senator Harry Reid, visit his website using this link below.
Unfortunately the bill was blocked and cannot move forward in the senate. This is very disappointing but this will change sooner or later... Hopefully sooner. We just need to keep on pushing for what's right.
Great topic, Keri! I agree with you and Senator Reid, anyone who wants to serve our country should be able to do so!