"I just signed the Petition Against Pit Bull Ban in petition (signature #2796) at http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/georgiapitbull"
This link is a petition against the ban of Pit Bulls in Georgia, specifically in Douglas County. On Monday, Douglas County had a Council meeting about the ban where those opposing it outnumbered those who supported it. Here is a link to the article. http://bit.ly/btH2P4
The main argument for the supporters was that they want to feel safe in their own neighborhoods. They also thought owners lack responsibility when owning this particular breed. Those opposing also agreed that the main problem for pit bulls are their owners not being held responsible. However, they felt that the bill should focus more on "targeting dangerous dogs instead of singling out pit bulls."
This petition caught my attention because I can honestly say my first love in life were animals. Especially dogs and not just certain breeds, EVERY breed! Even this one.. :) (which if you were wondering is a Chinese Crested. They are so ugly, that they're cute.)
First, I think I should talk a little bit about Pit Bulls. Pit Bull is not an AKC registered breed, but it's a generic name for American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier (which are both AKC registered) and American Pit Bull Terrier (which is not AKC registered). All of these are part of the terrier group. According to the American Kennel Club terriers have little tolerance for other animals. This is because their ancestors were bred to kill vermin and this part of their personality may still come through in some instances. In my opinion, these particular breeds need experienced owners that can properly train their dogs to act correctly to other humans and animals. It is possible for dogs to act politely. All you have to do is look at Cesar Millan, popularly known as the "Dog Whisperer" and an advocate for Pit Bulls. Cesar has had many pit bulls, with the most well known being Daddy, who recently passed away, and now his main pit, Junior. Cesar used Daddy and now Junior as ambassadors for pit bulls and they both also help rehabilitate dogs in need, usually either very shy, scared or aggressive dogs. Neither of Cesar's pits showed aggression and it just goes to show that owners can train their dog to remain calm and submissive.
(To learn more about Cesar and his "pack" visit Cesar's website http://www.cesarsway.com/ or watch his TV series Dog Whisperer.)
I am completely against banning Pit Bulls from the state of GA because I honestly believe an aggressive dog is solely due to its owners. The owners either purposefully make their dogs aggressive through abuse (i.e. fighting) or they are just completely incompetent in training their animals correctly so they will stay calm in particular situations. However, I will say I know this is a delicate topic and understand that their are dogs out there that act aggressive completely on their own. If this is the case, then the dog does need to be put down. As stated earlier, Pit Bulls should not be the only dogs singled-out for aggression because every dog has the ability to be aggressive and attack humans or other dogs, even a Chihuahuas. If a bill should be passed against any dogs, it should be like the opposing suggested, targeting all aggressive dogs.
I truly believe pit bulls can be great dogs if treated and trained correctly and not stereotyped as being dangerous. I mean look at German Shepard's. People during and after WWII were terrified of German Shepard's because they were trained to be very aggressive at concentration camps. Now, they are the second best family dog according to AKC Registration Stats and are loved by all. If pit bulls were given the opportunity to prove they can be a safe and loving breed and, I guess you could say, given good PR, then maybe it would be possible to change societies view like with the German Shepard.
I was looking for a picture of a pit bull to put in the blog and came across this article. Just want to show you how even pit bulls can be loving, loyal pets. :)
Please leave comments. I know there are different opinions about this topic and want to get your input.
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